Happy New Year!
Thank you for another great year. I appreciate all your business and referrals and look forward to serving you in the New Year!

Resolutions That Stick
We mark the 1st of January as a day to kick off the new year, usually with promises to lose weight, make more money and spend more time with family. So why is it that by the end of January we find ourselves back to our old habits? This year, lets make resolutions that stick!
- Reflect on Last Year. Take a minute to look over last year and see how far you’ve come. We tend to be hardest on ourselves. Focusing too much on all the things we haven’t accomplished and skimming over our successes. Think about what you are most proud of this year. Give yourself a pat on the back and in the spirit of “I got this” step into the new year ready to go.
- Pick One. You have 365 days to make it happen. Pick one goal to focus on and put all your energy in to it this year. Creating lists of resolutions is just an opportunity for distraction.
- Layout a plan. It’s not enough just to want something. Plan to succeed. If you want to lose weight, decided how you plan to do that. Modifying your diet, exercising more, a combination of both? Will you be getting up early, planning your meals weekly, researching where you can find organic foods? The best way to make your resolution stick is to not wing it.
- Break it up. It can be overwhelming to look at a year long goal. Breaking it up into weekly or monthly chunks creates wins along the way and helps keep you motivated.
- Failure is not an option. Ok, failure is always an option but the best way counter it, is not to have a back up plan. Let’s say you plan to run 2000 miles this year but you know if you only run 1000 miles you’ll feel good about it. How about split the difference? Set a goal to run 1500 miles and stay true to that goal.
- Reward yourself. Accomplishing the goal is of course a great reward, but if you’re like me it never hurts to have a little incentive. On the flip side you can always up the stakes. Maybe you can attach a financial obligation to not meeting your goal. Knowing you’ll need to hand over some of your hard earned cash if you don’t meet your goal will help to keep you focused.
Have you made your new years resolutions? How will you make them stick this year? Would love to hear your tips and hints for making the best of the new year!
Happy New Year!
Melanie Kramer
Keller Williams Realty Coastal Area Partners
912-459-5001 Office
912-658-1390 Cell Direct